Friday, August 28, 2009

Well I've harvested the rest of the first row of potatoes. Lovely, huge spuds are now in the fryer. Maris Piper make the best chips. The Nasturtiums have started popping out seed all over the bed. I must have collected hundreds from the little area I did today. I found out today that the reason the Nasturtiums went so crazy is that the soil they were growing in was too rich. Apparently, if you grow them in very poor soil, with little or no nutrients, they grow in a more compact fashion, and you will still get as many flowers. That will be something to experiment with next year.

I picked off the seed pods from one of the Lupins. I could hear the seed rattling within the pods, which had gone a brown colour. They are now outside in some seed compost. I'm unsure whether a frost is needed for the seeds to break their dormancy. We'll have to see what happens.

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