Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wow, the Courgettes only took six days to germinate!!! They started poking up yesterday. I may have done a little sex wee.....

I think I saw the first signs of life in the onion bed this morning, and, unbelievably, the runner beans are coming up. I really thought they would have been munched by slugs as I had planted them straight into the ground, but no, they are little fighters. The Sweet peas don't seem to have grown much, if at all since they were planted out. I think I should have maybe held off planting them outside without hardening them off first. Plus, it did say on the packet of seeds that they really shouldn't be planted outside until May. Same as the Runner Beans. Oooops!

A mixture of sunshine and showers today. Managed to mow the back lawn, and pulled up a load of weeds off the path.

There is a rogue element in the Potato bed. An imposter, which is not of Maris Piper origin. I noticed it this morning. It could well be the remnants of the huge 25kg sack of spuds we bought for a fiver off.... well, to be honest they probably fell off the back of a lorry in all honesty, but they were very tasty so Jas popped a few of the ones that had sprouted onto the window sill to chit next to the Maris Piper seed potatoes. I planted them in the corner of the bed on the same day as the Maris Pipers.

All this "you must earth-up spuds"lark is really confusing me. Do you cover the leaves? Hmmmm probably best I look it up me thinks.

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