Friday, October 30, 2009

Planted the rest of the crocus and snowdrop bulbs today - I hope I wasn't too late.

I think the tomato plants are past their best now, so will be getting rid in the next few days. Will be needing the room for other things I'll be planting over the coming weeks. It's a shame really, I've become quite used to them being there on the window sill.

I have a small pumpkin in the oven at the moment. In an hour or so I'll be able to scrape out the flesh and make a puree from it to make the pumpkin and chocolate chip muffins for the kids tomorrow. Will let you know if they taste OK!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The onion sets have started to sprout, some better than others. I think they will probably need some frost protection, so will buy some fleece from Wilko's on Monday (I hope they have some in!). I can already taste those sweet, red onions - yummy!

Going to have a bit of an experiment with the garlic. I planted some of the cloves in the small raised bed today, will plant some more mid-November, and the rest on the Winter Solstice. The Solstice is (if you didn't already know) the day when day light hours start to increase again. This is important for growing Alliums apparently, so by planting the garlic cloves in the way I'm going to be, hopefully by next summer I can see if it makes any difference. They will all hopefully produce lovely fat bulbs.

We lopped the heads off the Sunflowers a few days ago. We were amazed by how many seeds were held within the heads. The heads are on the kitchen windowsill at the moment, although one or two have gone a bit mouldy.

The area where the sweetcorn grew has now been dug over. Sweetcorn will be returning next year definately!

Friday, October 2, 2009

I decided that today would be the day to finally plant the onion sets. I bought 50 red and 50 white sets from Wilko's a few weeks ago which are over-wintering varieties. Two bags of multi-purpose compost and half a box of blood, fish and bone later, I had prepared the bed, so in the sets went. As with everything this year, this is the first time I have grown onion sets, so fingers crossed that they get on OK.

I think I'll take the advice of Gardeners' World magazine, and plant the garlic on cells of compost to get their roots developed before they go out next month. It'll give me time to weed and prepare the large raised bed if nothing else. I hope the garlic won't mind sharing with two Brussels Sprout plants.

Planted two packs of Fratillaria (Snakes Head variety) in the front garden. The bed they're in already has a few old daffodil bulbs in, but the more I think about it, the more I think I should buy more daffodils. As the front garden is north-facing, it doesn't get a huge amount of sunlight, but if the bulbs I have planted over the last few weeks don't do well, I can just dig them up and re-plant them round the back.