Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm worried....

How much longer is this Nanny-state bull shit going to continue? It seems for the past two weeks, all I've seen is the controversy surrounding Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross. I have hesitated to write about it. Until now.

Now I listened as the "offending" show went out live on air. Yes, I cringed when Wossy proclaimed to Andrew Sachs' answering machine, of course I did. But as soon as I heard those immortal words "he fucked your Grandaughter!", I thought oh no, I'm sure that wasn't supposed to be broadcast to the nation......... It seems Wossy instigated it and Russ tried to wind him back in. I admit telephoning a 78 year old man and telling him what his Grandaughter had been up to was probably not the best thing to do....... however, the BBC then air a PRE-RECORDED show, uncut, was probably worse. I am sure Mr. Sachs must know what his beloved Georgina is like? For those of you who don't know, Miss Baillie, 23, is in a dance troup called The Satanic Sluts. Now, I'm no prude, and to be honest I couldn't give a baboons arse what she does, but there are videos out there, demonstrating quite clearly that the dance troop in question aren't ballet dancers.....

There were two complaints made to the BBC regarding the show. Then, last Sunday, the Mail on Sunday decided to write about it all - OVER A WEEK AFTER THE SHOW AIRED!!! The BBC's own Points of View forum was ignited by people, the majority who hadn't even heard the bloody show, all jumped on the band wagon calling for Russ and Wossy's heads on platters. Now ther have been over 30,000 complaints!!!

Russ resigned, as did radio 2 controller Leslie Douglas. Wossy was suspended for three months without pay.

This whole sorry affair has been blown completely out of proportion. Of course poor Georgina is completely mortified now her Grandad knows she's a slag. But fear not! A kiss-and-tell shall give you your five minutes of fame, before you fade back into the obscurity from where you came. You must be so depressed!

People need to get a grip. We are not living in Dickensian times. Russ said the media is there to keep us spell-bound and stupid. How right he was!

Russ, I wish you well in all you do in the future. Maybe though, in that future, you'll be more careful who you trust with personal information.

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