Saturday, October 16, 2010

They settled in really well, eating and drinking. The Warrens laid a few eggs over the next week, and then stopped. I thought it might have been the stress of the move, but hopefully they'll start laying again soon.

My Dad arranged to come over on 2nd October to re-design the run, and make it deeper to keep the birds in. When my son woke up that morning and let the chickens out, he discovered Nightingale was dead and laying at the bottom of the coop, no visable reason why.

So, my dad came over, and we went to the Rare Breeds auction at Murton to have a look around. I took the pet carrier just incase, but really wasn't planning on buying any more birds....... famous last words. It came to pass that we brought two Silkie hens home with us which I completely fell in love with. £18.00 they cost me. They are called Stella and Myrtle. Pure comedy value they are. I don't know how old they are, but they are amazing and full of character. Myrtle is the smallest, but boy can she shout!

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