Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another warm day. It's 6:10pm and 80°F - I reckon it'll be pretty difficult to sleep tonight....

Moved the Nasturtiums from the Leek bed. I must remember to leave more room between rows next year. I love the idea of companion planting, but when the companions are hiding your crop completely, there's no point them being there. I left the Nasturtiums that are between the rows of onions as there is more room. Funny thing is, those Nasturtiums are Dwarf Tom Thumb variety. I think the buzz word here is dwarf. Dwarf compared to what exactly? Those plants spread more than two feet across! God only know what the "giant" variety are going to be like which are in one of the borders......

Anyway the Leeks are a bit droopy now they've suddenly been exposed to full sun.

I fed the potatoes and runner beans some tomato feed this morning. The spuds have really perked up.

Elsewhere in the garden, the sunflowers are 4ft tall now, the Salvias have been throwing up some lovely spires of bright red flowers, and the Gazanias will be in flower any day now. The peppers are covered in dainty little flowers, and one of the plants have 3 tiny peppers beginning to grow. The tomatoes are really starting to go crazy now, but I think it will be another few months before they are at such a height that they will begin to produce trussers.

We have a cucumber (Telegraph variety) which we call Colin. Colin was outside in front of the parsnip bed, but he was looking a bit sorry for himself. Matty says he has a cucumber plant in his class room, and recommended Colin should live indoors. So we brought him in and he is now almsot 6" taller in a week!!!

All the radishes have been eaten now, I hope the seedlings hurry up lol

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