Monday, September 29, 2008

I know what you're doing. You try so hard to cover your tracks and deny anything is wrong, but I know you too well. My Gran used to say "your lies will find you out". That's so true. But here is the £60,000 question: what do you do with the lie when you've found it standing there in front of you? Do you try and ignore it, hoping to keep the fake equilibrium? Or, do you do what "sensible" people do, and out that lie, while accepting that, if you do, your life will once again be put on that roller coaster you've been so used to riding for so long?

It's like those crap day time talk shows you watch. The host asks the guest why they stay put, accepting the shit the other guest deals them day in and day out. And they respond "because I love him". And then you're up on your feet, screaming at the T.V. "What are you doing, you stupid bitch?! That isn't love - that's desperation! Clinging on to something that should have been dead and buried a long time ago!".

Sometimes, I wish life was simple.

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