Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bloody hell.

Went to the dentist today. Needed a filling and a polish. The dentist gave me local anesthetic, but I still felt the drill. When she started on the clean, you could have peeled me off the ceiling with a fish slice it hurt so much. So I'm being referred to the dental hospital to have it done under twilight sedation. Oh joy....

Funny thing is though, my other half is shit scared of dental procedures at the best of times. He can't stand injections in his mouth. So he's having his work done under sedation too lol

Life isn't too bad at the mo - I've been in my new job almost 4 weeks. I work in a pet store, in the fish section. We are just about to start the marine tanks cycling with damsels, not sure if that is ethical, but I am merely a minion. I also really need the pay cheque. God, that sounds awful..... I care deeply about the animals we sell, I just wish they wouldn't use them to cycle tanks.

It's all very new and exciting. The layout of the department is excellent, and the equipment is really good too. We found a crab in the live rock in the coral garden. In fact (and don't laugh), I could spend hours looking at the live rock - so many wonderful little organisms on and in it.

I have a real passion for marine life. I've been reading and researching for a decade, but haven't quite plucked up the courage to embark on my own practical journey. I plan on doing so in the next year however.

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