Monday, February 25, 2008

A few weeks ago (13th February I think), I bought the little darlings a hamster each. Little Chinese dwarfs. Theo and Captain Jack they came to be named. Six days later, Theo died. It was a very sad occasion, tears in abundance. I took the dead hammie and Captain Jack back to the pet shop where it was discovered that Theo had died of wet tail. After a lot of research, I've found that most breeders and owners agree that this is only a disease affecting Syrian hamsters. However, it was confirmed that poor Theo had contracted it. Amazing how quick it happened. At 1pm, he was fine; eating and drinking. Went to check on him at 4pm and he was stiff as a board. Poor soul.

So today, I go and get the replacements. The guy at the shop said they'd help me out with cash toward the taxi fair but I had a lift, so asked if I could take another hamster instead. They agreed.

They had five little boys in and these hammies like to be kept in groups, so I thought "if I take two, and someone else takes two, there's going to be a very lonely hammie left all on his own", hence why I asked for another.

Got them into their new home, which is in my bedroom at the moment so they can settle in OK and not have little fingers poking at them.

Probably won't be getting much sleep tonight.......

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