Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh my, it's been a while!!!

Well firstly the good - no, GREAT news - I've lost six stones!!! Also, my next door neighbours have a brand new, healthy baby boy who is almost two weeks old now, and absolutely GORGEOUS! My kids are well (if a little too noisey), and OH is still slaving away over a hot stove. I am still working with the fishies, and have finally set my own tank up at home (nothing special, just a tropical 60 litre). The small furries are great, though we lost Humphrey to old age. I bought two new chickens in January, taking our grand total to seven. They are Buff Orpingtons and absolutely devine - so fluffy! We rehomed Myrtle, as I was worried the neighbours would complain due to the racket she made. She is now free-ranging with a flock of hens (and a few cocks!) in a lovely big, open space. Her new owner sent me pictures and told me she'd settling in well.

Christmas went well. My Dad came over as is traditional these days.

The new growing season is just getting underway. I shall be dedicating the large border to sunflowers, which I am growing for a friend's wedding. Prado Yellow is the variety. She wanted sunflowers as they remind her of her late grandfather.